Monday, January 18, 2010


For someone who prefers to bottle up their emotions and keep them to herself, I sure have had a lot of them lately. Josh and I have begun our pre-marital counseling and our first assignment before we meet again is to find out what we think the purpose of marriage is. We have been talking about it a lot but it is hard to pinpoint just one main purpose. I don't know if this is a "purpose" of marriage but one thing I have been thankful for lately is Josh's companionship. God has used Josh as an encourager, supporter, listener, and friend in numerous seasons of thanksgiving and trial in my life over the past two years. It is such a blessing to know and believe that God hand-picked Josh for me for the rest of our lives here.

With the recent happenings in Haiti I am quickly reminded that we are so blessed to live in this country. I have clean water...not to mention I can have it cold or hot in a matter of seconds. I have a shelter, a place to sleep and to be safe at night. I have never had to worry about where my next meal would come from. I take these things for granted without even knowing I am doing it. I have found that lately it has been difficult to plan our wedding without being materialistic. How can I get frustrated on which flowers to choose or what kind of chairs our guests will sit in when people across the world have nothing...absolutely nothing. I'm thankful for the reminder that while our wedding will be a very special day it will be because of the convanent we will make with God to keep Him at the center of our marriage and not because of the color or scent of the candles we burn on the reception tables.

"Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God". Colossians 3: 1-3


  1. Wow...your dad emailed me at work and said you had bloggged and brought tears to his eyes. Naturally I couldn't wait to rush home at lunch and read what you wrote. Your heart continues to amaze me, sweet daughter. I'm so proud of you for having a heart of compassion and for making God's priorities your priorities. Your wedding will be beautiful in so many ways! Love you.

  2. You are such an amazing young woman....those parents of yours need to let me in on their secret. I love learning about life from you!

  3. That post is why I know Josh adores you Brooke and why we love you as well, always thinking of others above yourself. We love you!
