Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Hello all, this is Clay, Josh left his computer up and found the blog. For those who don't know me I'm Josh's roommate and co-best man. so Josh has been busy and blogging had to take a back seat to man stuff.

So for this one I decided to talk today about Josh's life since engagement. So far Josh has been working a lot at the NRCS and pretty much all we see of him is when he comes home from work. He and Brooke still see each other as often as possible and Reggie still freaks Brooke out. The other day Brooke brought over goodies as she normally does, I don't think she comes over with out something for us. Chex Mex is awesome by the way.

Well this is a short one cause i don't know when Josh will come back in the room so have a great Christmas everyone and happy birthday Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. Clay we should have known you would find a way to hack through the blog! Way to be sneaky! It sounds like you set an example for the future guest bloggers, we are SO proud of you! Sniff, sniff.
