July. July. July. It makes me cringe! Because I know sc..sch..scho...yuck..I can't even say it. Anyway..IT is around the corner. Now this time next year..I'll be looking forward to it. Why? I'll be sitting behind the big desk. Keeper of the red pen. Recess dismisser. Shoe-tier. Snot wiper. Crayon loaner. De-germer. In otherwords..teacher and happily so. This student business is getting old. Don't ya think. Aren't you guys tired of talking and thinking about my studentness? If so..get tired of it because coming this May I shall no longer be a studentess. And I can go back to loving the smell of freshly sharpened pencils, hot off the press books, and wide-lined notebook paper. Oh and seeing it all get put out at Wal-Mart. Scratch that. Target for sure. Ahhh...
There's a box of Girl's Scout cookies on my desk. Thin Mints. Yup. Yum. Yikes. There's only about 4 left. Jessica ,lovely co-worker and personal friend, (who blogs at jessicakcampbell.wordpress.com) and I just ate 2 each. They decrease in number quickly. But rightfully so. They're delicious.
In case you haven't noticed...this post is well a little random. It's normal for me..but if it's not for you..ya might as well get used to it. Also these (......) commonly known as dots, periods, circles, etc....I'm fond of them and use entirely too many of them in daily writing, texting, emailing, typing.....the list goes on...............................................................
I've really been enjoying cooking/baking lately! Last night zucchini bread. Last week delicious white bread! About the zucchini bread though...had a terrible time convincing Josh that it was not the nastiest conglomeration he had ever seen. Truth be told...I actually think he would enjoy it. That will be a mystery probably until the next batch. Tonight he suggested we have Hamburger Helper. :( It's an insult to my skill but I'm thankful he doesn't expect a 5-course meal daily! Lower expectations of my cooking = a happier and more suprised stomach. Hahahaha
Oh and gardening has been high on my list of fun things as well! We are awaiting our first bell pepper! Yum yum!
Hate to run but my blog post is at a near end due to the approaching 5 o'clock and end to my work day and internet accessibility! Good night to all and to all a goodnight! Gee, I can't wait for Christmas! :)